Local CU Phosco P850s
The largest of Phosco's contemporary LED lantern range first appeared in Derbyshire on a newly-created roundabout on the A61 at Wingerworth, which is just south of Chesterfield, in early 2015. By this stage, LED street lighting was commonplace throughout the UK, and the technology had improved to the level that even large junctions on busy roads, such as this roundabout, could be lit successfully with a technology that previously could only us that our televisions were on standby.
This is the first new column to be seen when the roundabout is approached from a southerly direction. At the time of photographing, the old Abacus 30 ft column supporting a GEC Z9554M 135 Watt SOX lantern was still to be removed. Interestingly, the Z9554M is virtually the same length as the P850; so much for modern technology allowing for miniaturisation!
The elongated canopy contains three separate LED modules.
A slightly different angle, displaying the new and old lanterns in profile. The height difference between the modern 10 m column and outgoing 30 ft column is noticeable.
The new columns in the immediate vicinity of the roundabout are also 10 m in height; however, they are aluminium in construction, in order to be passively-safe, in the event of one being struck by a vehicle negotiating (or otherwise) the roundabout.
The unpainted finish to these columns provides a modern, sleek design.
A convenient sticker attached to the lantern's spigot cap informs anyone interested (i.e. people creating web pages on street lighting lanterns, I would guess) that the lanterns have a power output of 161 W.
At this point, the road is fairly high up. Extensive foliage clearance, in order to make way for the new roundabout, creates a fantastic vista of what is arguably one of Chesterfield's most famous landmarks - the crooked spire of St Mary and All Saints Church in the heart of the town. Although still a few miles away from the town centre at this point, having a 30x optical zoom brings everything a little closer!
The flat, streamlined design of the lantern can be appreciated here.
Each of the modules is fitted with 12 LEDs; making a total quantity of 36 LEDs per lantern.
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