Local Inui SEs
Inui SE LED lanterns were installed on new columns on the private roadway leading to Mickleover Golf Course in early 2019. Ordinarily, I would not include these lanterns, owing to their location not being on a public road; however, in this case, the road doubles as a Public Right of Way, and so they are featured here for this reason. I am unaware of the Inui SE being installed on any other publicly-accessible roads in Derbyshire.
The SE lanterns are fitted to very short columns, which were installed along with the new lanterns. Prior to their installation, older (but still, short) tubular steel columns supporting second-hand Philips 'Iridium' SGS 252 45 Watt CPO-TW lanterns were fitted. The Iridiums proved to be a poor fit to the already-adapted old columns; before them, Philips MI 55s were employed, but were fitted to wall brackets that were attached to narrow top sections of the columns - I wondered if these narrow sections were the remains of long-removed vertical fluorescent post-top lanterns. Owing to the short mounting height, a section of the column shaft has grease applied, which prevents the columns from being climbed.
A photocell resembling a Longjoin JL-201C is fitted; these have the detector situated on the side of the casing (a common trait in the USA, but very uncommon in the UK) - in the case of these lanterns, the detector 'window' faces away from the road. A dedicated accessory slots between the lantern and the column, in order to provide post-top spigot mounting.
The lantern comprises 30 LEDs.
This close-up of the identity label reveals that the lantern operates at 60 Watts, which seems excessive for the area that these lights are illuminating, and their low mounting height. Additionally, the label states that the lantern was produced on the 25th September 2018.
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