Local Thorn Isaro Pro Ss

Along with the Civiteq Small, the Isaro Pro S LED lantern began to see use in Derbyshire in the late-2010s, with the first examples appearing in parts of Chesterfield in mid-2018. Just under a year later, more Isaro Pro Ss were installed; this time, in parts of South Derbyshire, with numbers being considerably larger.

This example on Sandypits Lane in Etwall replaced a WRTL Libra 36 Watt PL-L lantern in April 2019.


A Zodion SS9-DLS part-night photocell is employed here.


The label (T/8/P5/N) located at the back of the lantern provides the following information:

T = Thorn

8 = Wattage

P5 = Lighting class

N = Non-dim lantern


A single PCB containing 12 LEDs is positioned in the centre of the lantern optic. There is space for additional PCBs to be installed at locations where a greater amount of light is required.


Nearby was this dayburning example; again, this lantern should be operating part-night.


The LED colour temperature appears relatively warm here, but is actually 4000 K (Neutral White).


This Isaro Pro S in Burnaston replaced a Philips XGS 103 35 Watt SOX lantern in late April 2019; the bracket being removed, in order to accommodate the post-top lantern.


A Zodion ZCell photocell rated at 20 Lux is fitted here.


The absence of the 'N' on this lantern's label signifies that the LEDs are programmed to dim automatically (to 75% output after 9:30 pm, and to 50% after midnight).


This side-entry Isaro Pro S attached to a 6 m column in Marston-on-Dove, replaced a GEC Z9538 55 Watt SOX lantern.


The bracket causes the lantern to have a slight downward tilt; the spigot is adjustable and could have been positioned at an angle that compensated for this.


The label here suggests that the wattage is 21 Watt, and that the lantern is designed to meet a P4 lighting class.


This night image shows several Isaro Pro Ss installed at 6 m. The white light contrasts sharply with the Philips MA 90 90 Watt SOX lanterns seen in the background.


With additional LEDs, the Isaro Pro S also features at 8 m mounting heights. These 47 Watt examples began to replace Philips MA 90 90 Watt SOX lanterns in late August 2019.


Even at 8 m, the lantern doesn't appear especially out of proportion.


These versions incorporate two 12 LED PCBs.






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