54E. East End, Stanhope, Bishop Auckland, County Durham With thanks to Oliver Davison for informing me of this Survivor. Fitted to a wall bracket on the corner of a bus garage, and adjacent the Weardale Service Station, is a Thorn EMI Alpha 1 90 Watt SOX lantern, dating from the 1980s. The lantern may have fallen into disuse, as an LED floodlight now exists alongside it on the wall, but when pictured in August 2023, was still fully intact and had a healthy-looking lamp fitted.
The relatively low mounting height gave a strange sense of proportion to the Alpha 1.
A separate Hy-Lite HL10R photocell switched the Alpha 1 as necessary. The wiring may have been altered to make it switch the floodlight instead.
The Alpha 1's acrylic "Opticell" unit has the characteristic 'zebra' moss growth on its underside.
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