Pearce Gowshall Signlite Major T20

This is another signlight that is designed for large sign plates and is just about as long as the LB128, though it is much brighter. It was made and tested in January 1994 according to labels inside, however it took almost eleven years to be brought into use, as it was kept in the Derby City Council storeroom, waiting to be installed somewhere. Thanks again to Davy for identifying the signlight.

As the signlight has never been used, it is still in excellent condition. The canopy is slightly scratched, but as you can see, these scratches are hardly visible. The bracket is delivered separately, and bolts into the back of the signlight to secure it.

Turning the signlight over reveals the two very large 20 Watt tubes and also the gear that runs them. The tubes came with the signlight, so I'd imagine that they are of about the same age as it.

The cover hinges open to give a clearer shot of the tubes and gear - although it was dusty, it is meant to blur the tubes slightly to diffuse the light output.

Although this picture looks almost identical to the above one, it is actually showing the signlight after it was cleaned up - the reflector was polished, the tubes were wiped down and the cover was cleaned.

The tubes struck up instantly - they were a bit flickery for a few minutes, but then they were OK.

Bergo Floodlight | Truesigns T8C




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