Simplex Solumbra
Lantern acquired in September 2024.
With thanks to AgentHalogen_87 for donating this lantern to the Collection, which was removed from a cycleway in the Staffordshire area, owing to on-going LED replacements. The Solumbra was quite common in Staffordshire, whereas over the border in Derbyshire, most examples were confined to the Bolsover area, although one existed in Matlock Bath as well. The 'Solumbra' name for a post-top was coined originally by Revo; presumably, to complement their Sol-d'Or lantern of the 1960s, but lived on into the later Relite and Simplex eras. Curiously, some Solumbras (Solumbrii?), including this one, were branded as Simplex-GE officially; this relates to General Electric of the USA (the joint venture between Tube Investments Ltd and GE), and not the General Electric Company Plc of Britain.
This photograph taken in Tamworth shows an example of how this Solumbra would have appeared when in use, complete with 15 ft (5 m) Stanton 10 concrete column - it isn't the same one that ended up in the Collection, however.
This version of the Solumbra features a spun aluminium canopy, cast aluminium base and translucent Perspex bowl sandwiched between the two. GRP-canopied versions were also produced, as well as another aluminium canopy with a domed central section - used for accommodating larger lamp control gear in earlier Simplex models, as well as all Revo versions. Later, with the reduction in component size, the flatter canopy was used on all versions. This example, however, is the simplest Simplex Solumbra (deliberate alliteration), and contains no control gear within it.
A Fisher-Karpark (Zodion) NEMA photocell socket is attached to the canopy.
The central thumbscrew retains Revo branding - the casting pattern was never updated to reflect the change in manufacturer. Oddly, a small hole exists near the centre of the canopy too, which may have accommodated a two-part photocell detector when in use.
When viewed from below, a series of concentric circles is created.
Removing the canopy shows the very basic setup that exists within the lantern.
The lampholder has detached from its fixing bolts in the top section of the lantern, and is lying in the base casting, still attached to its feed wires.
The bowl is not fixed, and once the canopy is removed, it can be slid upwards, away from the lantern. A circular baffle plate exists above where the lampholder would be fixed ordinarily - this appears to be rather effective, given how discoloured the majority of it is, in comparison to the section that was pressed against the top support strut.
Only a single terminal block is provided; this connects to the lampholder; there is no provision for connecting the NEMA socket. Whilst other SOX post-tops made by other manufacturers used a coiled spring lamp support that wrapped around the two support rods, the Solumbra features a hook that attaches to the base casting.
GEC Z8455 | ELECO 'Goldenray Mk VIII' HW-846
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