12BA. Off Park Lane, St Margaret's, London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Installed within the Royal Mail Richmond Delivery Office are three Thorn 'Leader' 15 ft (5 m) aluminium columns, two of which still retain their original Type 5 side-entry brackets supporting Alpha 1 lanterns. A further wall-mounted example also survives within the compound. Whilst these lanterns are, more commonly, seen running 90 Watt SOX (low pressure sodium) lamps, they were also (officially) able to support the shorter 55 Watt lamps too, although as the diameter of the two lamps differs, Alpha 1s ordered as 55 Watt examples would have a narrower lamp support, which would then prevent 90 Watt lamps from being used.
One of the examples was lit during the day when photographed. Another Leader column in the background had lost its Alpha 1 and original bracket, with a twin floodlighting bracket fitted instead.
The shorter (and narrower) 55 Watt lamp is visible within the Alpha 1's acrylic 'Opticell' unit.
A second example was visible on the other side of the wall.
The bracket here has worked loose from the internal column spigot.
A small amount of dirt has gathered within this Alpha 1's Opticell, although much of what is visible here is present on the outer side of the plastic.
The lamp here looks to be worn out - indeed, on Google Street View imagery captured in 2020, the lantern was also lit during the day too, so it probably has failed.
The wall-mounted example is at the far end of the compound. Historical mapping shows that this site was occupied formerly by the Territorial Army - the lighting may, therefore, date from then. Anyone who spots Postman Pat in this photograph should award themselves a pat on the back!
Sadly, this Opticell is damaged.
Two Gamma Basiques (much later products from Thorn) top the gateposts leading into the compound.
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