69B. Fountain Lane / Green Street, Oldbury, Sandwell, West Midlands With thanks to Dwight for informing me of these Survivors. Continuing from the installations seen on the previous page, Thorn Alpha 1 90 Watt SOX lanterns remained extant on both of these roads in August 2023, with Fountain Lane being home to two, and Green Street retaining one.
Firstly, on Fountain Lane, this example fitted to a Stanton 1808 8 m concrete column was to be seen. A long outreach bracket is employed, owing to the wide footway (and carriageway) at this point of the road.
This is a 1980s' Thorn EMI-branded example, and may be original to when the column was installed.
The sealed 'Opticell' lamp housing is in good condition, with only a small amount of dirt having gathered within it.
The second installation was older, with the lantern being fitted to a Concrete Utilities' 'Avenue 3DNN' column and Arc 3 bracket combination.
Sadly, this example's Opticell was broken at the front end.
The baffle plate above the lamp appears to be missing, which in turn, has lost the lamp support.
In fact, a portion of the top of the Opticell is also broken.
Somewhat miraculously, the lamp appears undamaged.
On Green Street, an earlier Avenue 3DNN column was to be found, complete with Arc 2 bracket.
As with the examples seen on the previous page, a short concrete collar exists on the bracket pipe behind the lantern.
Thankfully, the Opticell here was in far better condition.
Located opposite, in the grounds of the former Sandwell Magistrates' Court building, were a number of Holophane Caribe post-top lanterns, dating from the building's construction in the 1980s.
These use the distinctive 'Champagne' 325PH bowls.
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