69CCA. Coombs Road, Gorsty Hill, Hawne, Dudley, West Midlands With thanks to Dwight for informing me of this Survivor. Set slightly back from the carriageway and footway is a 25 ft (8 m) Stewarts & Lloyds tubular steel column supporting a GEC Z8420 lantern. The reason for this unusual positioning is likely to be because Coombs Road had a slightly different alignment in the past, with the area where the column is located being especially wide carriageway, owing to this being the entrance to the Coombs Wood Tube Works - the factory itself owned by Stewart & Lloyd for a time until becoming part of the nationalised British Steel Corporation later. In all likelihood, this column was probably made at the factory, as the images on this page, taken as demolition was underway in 1992, show identical columns and lanterns installed around the site, so for it to remain extant over thirty years since site clearance and subsequent redevelopment occurred is quite a fitting (unintentional) tribute to the thousands of people that this steelworks must have employed since it opened in 1903.
The low building alongside the column is an electrical substation - this must have belonged to the factory in the past, but is now under the ownership of the local Distribution Network Operator (Electricity Company).
These short outreach, cranked, brackets are a classic Stewarts & Lloyds design.
The Z8420 features a flat glass cover beneath the lamp. This is fixed to the aluminium canopy, with the whole assembly unclipping from the rear of the top casting to allow access into the lantern for lamp changes, etc..
An elliptical lamp (probably a 250 - 400 Watt mercury vapour (MBF) type) is still visible within the lantern.
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