Pearce Gowshall K90

I won this item on eBay and so am not entirely sure where it originally was located, although it may have been used in the Bristol area. I then received it on Tuesday, 26th October 2004. It hasn't been on the road for about eleven years, as the seller used it as a novelty light fitting in his home, and so is in very good condition. It uses a vertical lighting stem, rather than the more modern ground based uplighter, and indeed it was replaced for this reason. Thanks to Davy Warren for identification.

Although not dirty, the bollard was given a quick cleaning before these pictures were taken.

The bollard, with a distinctly 'unlit' appearance. The top strip above the Keep Left graphic is, as you can see, reflective, so even if the bollard was not lit, drivers would still hopefully be able to see it. There is nothing on the back of the bollard, except for the number '17'. This bollard shell is still produced today - it is now the Signature 'Granada'.

With the bollard lit, the graphics stand out a lot more. Notice on the side that half is not as well lit - this is  because the light unit points forwards and so less light can escape through the back.

It is only in darkness when the brightness of the bollard can truly be appreciated.

Removing the fibreglass shell reveals the vertical stem to which the lamps are mounted. When in use, the bollard would have been connected to the supply by a connector plug, however a regular plug and flex has now been fitted, in order that it can be used indoors. (The shell is still half shown in the shot as it is holding up the stem!)

With the power on, the two tubes create one long glow of light. Although the actual bollard shell is still produced, it no longer features the internal spine; instead, the shell is placed on top of base light uplighter units.

| Pearce Gowshall K30




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