Pearce Gowshall 'Warley' K30

Another Pearce Gowshall bollard, and another bollard to use the vertical spine system; however, I believe this bollard is older than the other example in the collection is, as it is narrower, and has a removable back door in it. This example has never been used and was instead stored in the infamous Derby City Council street lighting storeroom, waiting to be used. It has certainly waited a long time, but at last, it is going to be used!

The bollard as received. It was quite dirty from being left in the storeroom for so long. The style of the reflectors on this bollard is different to those attached to the K90.

The back door is a removable fibreglass panel. It is secured by a tri-head bolt.

Removing the door reveals the internal spine. I brought the connector out, in order that it could be seen, but it can't get out very far as it is secured to the spine by a short retention chain. Notice that one of the starters is missing its casing. I haven't been able to find this, but the starter itself still works. The capacitor carries the manufacture date of 39/96: the week of the 23rd - 29th September.

Not a very good picture, I know, but it does show the top securing piece for the spine within the bollard casing.

After being given a good clean, the bollard looked much better.

After fitting the lamps, the bollard was all ready to be wired up. I didn't need to remove the connector as I had a socket into which it could be plugged. The top section is obviously made out of thicker fibreglass, as no light passed through it.

Pearce Gowshall K90 | Haldo Springbak




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