40. Badger Lane, Beckbury, Shifnal, Shropshire With thanks to Dwight for discovering this Survivor. Situated on a right-angled bend on the main road through this village is an AC Ford AC 730 attached to a pole bracket. As the AC 730 was intended for running an 80 - 125 Watt mercury vapour (MBF) lamp (along with 100 - 200 Watt incandescent (GLS) lamps as an alternative), this setup may remain to this day, although equally, the lantern may have been converted to run an elliptical high pressure sodium (SON-E) lamp as a past efficiency measure.
The wooden pole that supports the pole bracket also carries the overhead electricity supplies for surrounding properties.
The bracket's pole-mounting plate carries Revo branding, while the enclosure housing the supply cut-out, lamp control gear and two-part photocell relay is also made by AC Ford.
The lantern's bowl is not quite closed fully, which could be the reason behind the pile of dead wasps below the lamp.
Overall, the AC 730 bears a strong resemblance to ELECO's HW-852 lantern.
A Zodion SS55-type photocell detector is visible on the lantern's neck, alongside the remains of an older two-part photocell detector.
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