Derby's Street Lighting PFI Contract

Latrigg Close, Mickleover

The columns being removed on this road were:

Seq. No. Lamp Number Location Lamp Type Watt Isolation Point
1 60451 OPP NO 2 SXPL3 35  
2 60452 JNC FP / RR NO 4 SXPL1 35  
3 60453 OS NO 3 SXPL3 35  
4 60454 O/S NOS 7/9 SXPL3 35  
5 60455 OS NO 8 SXPL2 35  
6 60456 FP OS NO 13 SXPL3 35  
7 60457 FP REAR OF NO 13 SXPL3 35  

The following photographs were taken on Thursday, 8th April 2010. The outgoing columns had all been removed by Friday, 23rd April 2010.

The first outgoing column supported a GEC Z9532. The replacement Iridium's reflector is clearly shown here.

The second column along the road also supported a Z9532, although this one featured a more weathered canopy than the first example; perhaps because of the adjacent tree.

A GEC Z5698U guarded the entrance to the short footpath link between both parts of Latrigg Close. The Z5698U's column base was painted a different colour to that of the rest of the column shaft (it appears here to be a similar colour to that of the new column; this was not the case in reality).

The Z5698U visible in the background of the above pictures was the next to be photographed...the adjacent tree appears to have placed one or two dents on the lantern's canopy:

Another Z9532 marked the end of the main part of the cul-de-sac. Given that the Z9532 columns are not installed within paved footways, I wonder whether the original intention was to fit these columns with Z5698Us as well (as was the case with every other contemporary road in Mickleover), but then this was changed, and Z9532s were fitted instead. Part of this Z9532's gasket was hanging out of the bowl at the time of photographing.

A new column was installed on the footpath leading to Springdale Court. Many years ago, when the estate was new, this link did not exist - the panel fence continued across the entrance to the footpath.

We now move on to the website's most photographed footpath...

This footpath links Latrigg Close with Hindscarth Crescent and Bowland Close. It is also the footpath that I continue to cite as the reason behind my street lighting interest now, as this footpath was to the rear of the house that I lived in as a youngster, and not far from my bedroom window was a Z5698U that I often used to watch switch on and warm up every evening. At some point in 1998, the Z5698U was replaced with a Thorn Gamma 6. Upon hearing that Latrigg Close was set to be relit under the PFI, I was understandably keen to rescue the Gamma 6 (and possibly a surviving Z5698U further along the path that was also visible from our house) and duly contacted Balfour Beatty to express my interest in saving these lanterns for posterity. This was on Sunday, 28th February. The following day, I was contacted by someone from the Company, who explained that they would do what they could to save the lanterns for me. Later the same day, I paid another visit to the footpath, and in place of two lanterns was a WRTL Arc (replacing the Z5698U) and an Iridium (replacing the Gamma 6). Both lanterns were second-hand, and had previously been removed from other columns under the PFI. I collected the two removed lanterns from the depot on the 5th March, and then photographed them for the collection; viewable here.

The Arc is visible in the picture below; the new column is in the background and also in the pictures below:

There now follows a series of photographs of column 60457 - the column that once supported the Gamma 6 and Z5698U prior to that.

Continuing along the footpath, the second new column is seen.





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