Derby's Street Lighting PFI Contract

Woodlands Island, Mickleover

The columns being removed on this road were:

Seq. No. Lamp Number Location Lamp Type Watt Isolation Point
1 107149 HOSPITAL LN L8018 N/A N/A Y
2 31230 ADJ SLIP RD FROM A516 SXPL1 135  
3 31231 NR A516 BY PASTURE SXPL3 135  
4 31232 AT A516 PASTURES SXPL1 135  
5 31233 NR ACC LADYBANK RD SXPL1 135  
9 31248 EAST PERIPHERY R/A ADJ A516 SXPL1 135  
10 31249 ON SPLIT A516 SLIP SXPL1 135  
(Sequence No. 11 is not listed)
12 102298 IS OPP ETWALL RD FL 8  
13 102299 IS OP SLIP FM A516 FL 8  
14 102300 IS OPP LADYBANK RD FL 8  
15 102301 IS OPP HOSPITAL LN FL 8  
16 102302 JUNC SLIP TO A516 FL 8  
17 102303 JUNC SLIP TO A516 FL 8  

The following photographs were taken on Friday, 24th September 2010 (Night) and Sunday, 26th September (Day), except where stated otherwise:

All but one of the new columns on this roundabout were installed alongside an outgoing equivalent - the installation pictured below (on the Ladybank Road splitter) is the only column to be installed in a 'new' location.

The 'large' version of the Iridium, the SGS 254, is the lantern specified for this scheme. The lanterns all run SON lamps; probably 250 Watt. Brackets are fitted to all columns, despite there only being a few instances where overhanging tree branches could potentially obscure spigot-mounted lanterns. This consistency creates a more uniform appearance to the lighting as the roundabout is traversed.

The first outgoing column to be pictured was fitted with a second-hand Thorn Alpha 4 135 Watt SOX lantern. This replaced a Philips MA 50 on Wednesday, 21st January 2009. The Alpha 4 was quickly fitted after someone (who shall remain nameless but as a clue, is the chap who is writing this right now) reported that an intermittent fault had developed on the MA 50's ballast, which caused it to deactivate after a couple of hours of operation every night.

The Alpha 4 is attached to a 10 m column, and using this as a method of scaling, I believe that the new columns are 12 m in height. (11 m is not a standard column height, but given that 7 m and 9 m columns (also non-standard heights) have been installed elsewhere as part of the PFI, anything is possible!)

The Alpha 4's gear tray cover was slightly dented (probably from when it was in storage), although this didn't appear to affect the lantern's performance during its time on the roundabout.

Another Alpha 4 followed; again, this also replaced an MA 50. I can't remember when this lantern was fitted, but I believe it was only shortly after the above example appeared.

A Royce Thompson Monostar 1000 photocell was fitted to this Alpha 4:

The replacement Iridium was also fitted with a Royce Thompson photocell, albeit an SC1000/SAV that was designed to switch on at 35 Lux every evening, and off at 18 Lux the following morning.

The signposts around the perimeter of the roundabout were also replaced during this scheme. A Pearce Gowshall twin 8 Watt signlight spent a few days illuminating its own post after its 'Turn Left' sign plate was transferred to the new post. The replacement signlight is a Simmonsigns LUA, running an LED cluster. Interestingly, the LUA fitting is designed to illuminate sign plates with a maximum surface area of 750 mm × 750 mm. Sign plates larger than this (including the 900 mm diameter 'Turn Left' arrow seen here) should be illuminated using larger units if they are to be lit to the relevant Standard.

(As a side, the large building in the background is the Menzies Mickleover Court Hotel - a local landmark. Visible just above the chevron sign is a banner advertising for Christmas parties - in September!)

A panorama taken from the Etwall Road splitter is shown below.

The next installation provided illumination for motorists travelling towards the northbound A516 slip roads. This column still retained its MA 50.

The Iridiums comprise wide reflectors and curved glass bowls.

The replacement column between the slip roads was set further forward than the outgoing column was. The directional sign visible in front of the columns shows "The North" and "Derby" as two separate entities...this is because Derby is actually in the East Midlands, and not the North of England, as some people have assumed it to be.

Spleen-venting over, this MA 50 is fitted with a Royce Thompson SC1000 photocell - the type seen fitted to virtually all Iridiums installed under the PFI prior to September 2010.

A vintage Road Signs Franco RS104 L8 signlight illuminated the 'Turn Left' arrow at this entrance to the roundabout. The signlight's glazing panel had been missing for all the time that I had known it. This didn't appear to affect the operation of the lamps, however. Incidentally, many of the sign plates in this location (and on the adjacent A516) were made by that well-known sign company...ELECO! This is according to the manufacturer labels applied to the rear of some of the sign plates.

The only column to have been replaced on this roundabout during the PFI era, but before the relighting scheme commenced, was located adjacent the hotel. A second-hand Holophane QSM (Syracuse Medium) 150 Watt SON lantern was fitted to a 10 m PFI-specification column.

Before taking this close-up photograph of the QSM, I was unsure as to the type of lamp that had been fitted in this lantern, as it appeared to produce a fairly white light during operation. The photograph reveals that a SON lamp was fitted, so it was either defective or operating on the wrong gear - or perhaps it was the former because of the latter! A veteran Sirebeck S300 photocell dating from the mid-1990s was employed to switch the lantern on and off as required.

The next MA 50 was in rather a poor state of repair...

The lantern has rotated on its bracket; the front bowl clip is disengaged; a bowl clip is missing; a cable tie is employed to keep the bowl in place and the canopy is badly weathered.

Meanwhile, a short distance away, the shiny new Iridium awaited the connection of a power supply.

The ground around the old column's base had been partially excavated. This revealed a layer of surface rust around the column root.

The next MA 50 was in a slightly better condition, although it too looked to have quite a grubby canopy.

A Forest City LB128 signlight lit the sign facing the South Derbyshire border. The top-right portion of the sign plate graphic had worn away; perhaps the signage will be renewed at a later date.

Another panorama now - this is taken from the "South Derbyshire" splitter.

Blue Balfour Beatty safety barriers surrounded the next two columns:

This MA 50 was removed from its bracket before the column was removed, on Wednesday, 29th September.

The new columns have a substantially longer base than their predecessors did, although, as the door aperture is only 'normal' sized, much of this space is inaccessible for installing components in.

Blue barriers also surrounded much of the equipment on the Ladybank Road splitter. An interesting sight here are the signposts on the right - the taller post is new and is fitted with another LUA signlight, whereas the shorter, outgoing post is fitted with a Signature Delta signlight, a similar product in terms of its appearance. The Delta appeared on this post in September 2005; prior to this, a Forest City LA428 had been fitted. This post supported a "Mickleover" directional sign that pointed in the direction of Etwall Road; the new post supports a new "Keep Left" sign plate. The "Mickleover" plate may be returned at a later date and then fitted beneath the "Keep Left" plate.

Time was also almost up for the Pearce Gowshall L68/25 signlight that illuminated one set of weight restriction plates on the entrance to Ladybank Road - once the service had been transferred to the replacement post, the old post would be removed.

The 1990s' Truesigns bollard and base light unit that marked the edge of the splitter was still illuminated when this photograph was taken, but it was disconnected and replaced with a new Simmonsigns Global base light and Simbol bollard a few days later. New steel wire-armoured cables can be seen emerging from the two orange ducts - these would end up providing a "loop in/loop out" service to the bollard.

The third panorama on this page is taken on the approach to the splitter - the column on the left is likely to feed the central equipment.

Woodlands Island at night; still lit with its outgoing lighting at the time. Positioning your mouse cursor over this photograph will cause the 'before' image to change to the 'after' image:

The MA 50 that was removed from its bracket before the column was taken away is visible in the following picture - it is the lantern that isn't working. The white light in the foreground is from the Cosmo-White lighting installed on Ladybank Road.

An overnight snowfall on Wednesday, 1st December 2010 turned Woodlands Island into a Winter Woodlands Wonderland...

The heat emitted from the lanterns operating overnight prevented a significant build-up of snow on the actual lantern canopies (although the temperature had reduced sufficiently after the lanterns had deactivated at dawn for icicles to form).



Night - SOX Lighting

Night - SON Lighting





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